faculty of pharmacy

social Committee


The social committee is interested to guide the student for social integration with the outside community and to link, as well as familiarize the students on giving and appreciation of the public interest. The committee has also sought to document the relationship between students and college administration officials, professors and faculty members through the organization of regular meetings in the faculty. In addition, the social committee works on the consolidation of relations between all the committees to work together to provide a proper social life for the youth in the light of Islamic ethics and principles, bring about a spirit of cooperation, friendship and intimacy, establish avenues for appropriate and useful entertainment and finally, to train students to do and give their best with sincerity, self-denial and appreciation of the public interest. This could be achieved through the organization of a number of lectures, meetings, competitions, trips, and social visits.


The Social Committee contributes to make the Faculty of Pharmacy at the forefront of colleges of the King Abdul Aziz University that the graduated students are able to giving and giving for the sake of the homeland


Contribute to the development of human resources represented by the students and graduates of College of Pharmacy through the organization of a number of lectures, meetings and trips, and social visits to become an effective part of society for the betterment of it and puts the interests of the country in the first place.


  1. Documents the relationship between students and college administration officials, professors and faculty members
  2. Directing the student to open up to the outside community and integration to become an effective part in it.
  3. Works to educate students to provide a healthy social life for young people in the light of Islamic values and principles, and create a sense of harmony, love and meaningful recreation


Organizing cultural activities in the faculty in view of the faculty activities schedule as follows:

  1. Organize a meeting of the acquaintance welcome the new students and introduce them to college.
  2. Organize a meeting for the students with the Dean, vice deans, and faculty members to open the door of discussion with regard to the educational process.
  3. Campaigns to serve the community, such as blood donation campaign and visits to the orphanage.
  4. Preparation of educational programs which can be targeted to contain the students.
  5. Visits to some educational institutions and public facilities that serve students in their fields.
  6. Organization of recreational trips for students.
  7. Organizing a closing ceremony for student activities.
  8. Participation in the organization of special events such as Forum, College of Pharmacy Alumni and Career Day.


Last Update
5/1/2017 2:27:20 AM