Saudi Journal of Pharmaceutical Industries

About the Center

The Saudi Journal of Pharmaceutical Industries aims to foster the growth of the pharmaceutical research community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and promote the effective utilization of modern research and technology methodologies. This is achieved through the publication of high-quality scientific articles focused on the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical industries.
The journal covers a wide range of topics, including pharmaceutical chemistry, drug design, drug discovery, drug formulation, drug delivery, industrial pharmacology, drug interactions, and pharmaceutical and clinical studies.


Local and global leadership and excellence in publishing high-quality scientific research in the field of pharmaceutical industries.


Providing distinguished scientific research that serves society and supports intellectual creativity and development in the field of pharmaceutical industries.


The magazine seeks to enrich the Arab library with the most important scientific and specialized research in the field of pharmaceutical industries and to be a reference for researchers interested in this field.

Means of communication

Official Website:https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/SJPI/index


Last Update
1/28/2024 2:49:36 PM