The vision

The graduate of the College of Pharmacy must have high Islamic morals, adhere to the principles of the Hanafi religion, and apply its sublime teachings in all his dealings with his community in general and with his patients in particular.


The Islamic Awareness Committee aims to contribute to the preparation of a doctor of pharmacist who shows the fine Islamic morals and who is characterized by honesty, precision, attention and seriousness, and who knows that God is watching him in all his actions, which will make him a reason for alleviating the pain of patients. He will also be an effective element in his community in educating the community about the harms of misuse of medicines.


  • • Contributing to the preparation and formation of the student’s integrated and balanced personality.
  • • Developing the student’s ideal Islamic behavior and morals and preparing him to bear the job and social burdens.
  • • Urging students to apply the teachings of the true religion in his relationships and dealings with his family and the community around him and to extend a helping hand to those in need.
  • • Introducing students to the importance of the role of Islamic law and its provisions regarding medicines and their uses in treating diseases, the importance of the role of the pharmacist in building the Muslim society, and how he contributes to raising awareness about the optimal use of medicines.
  • • Conducting scientific symposia that highlight the harms of misuse of medications, the most important of which is addiction.
  • • Encouraging the spirit of competition by holding competitions for memorizing the Holy Qur’an and religious and general culture among students.
  • • Raising the spirit of tolerance and friendship between students and their community by organizing visits to orphanages and the elderly.

Committee programmes

  • • Awareness lectures
  • • Hajj trip
  • • Umrah trip
  • • Visit the orphanage
  • • Competitions in memorizing the Holy Quran
  • • Competitions in memorizing the Prophet’s hadiths
  • • Holding awareness exhibitions


This committee is one of the student activity committees with a primary objective to elevate the cultural awareness of students and cultivate their literary and artistic abilities. It also seeks to harness the energies of students, uncover their cultural and artistic talents, and channel them for their benefit. Furthermore, it is dedicated to fostering their creative thinking.

The Vision

The Cultural Committee aspires to position the College of Pharmacy at the forefront of King Abdulaziz University's colleges, offering students and graduates a distinguished level both in terms of scientific knowledge and cultural enrichment. Our aim is to enhance students' skills, expand their knowledge, and foster a strong connection between them, their university, their community, and their country.


Our mission is to contribute to the development of human resources, represented by the students and graduates of the College of Pharmacy. We achieve this by disseminating culture, knowledge, and scientific and technical awareness to students and graduates through various means. These include organizing seminars, scientific sessions, publishing scientific publications, and hosting cultural and artistic competitions.


  • • Organizing cultural and artistic activities in the college in light of the college’s activities schedule
  • • Preparing general cultural competitions and setting regulations for participation in them
  • • Contributing to developing students’ personalities scientifically, practically, culturally and socially.
  • • Strengthening ties between students and their professors, allowing for the transfer and inheritance of experiences
  • • Preparing and organizing art exhibitions based mainly on students’ artistic achievements
  • • Spending the student’s free time in purposeful and useful programs
  • • Contributing to discovering, refining and nurturing student talents.


  • • Organizing cultural and artistic activities in the college in light of the college’s activities schedule
  • • Regular participation in the meetings of the Student Activity Committee of the Deanship of Student Affairs at the university
  • • Preparing general cultural competitions and setting regulations for participation in them
  • • Organizing cultural and scientific seminars and lectures in modern fields of science
  • • Organizing the college star competition
  • • Issuing scientific publications (PharmaScope Magazine).
  • • Participation with a group of distinguished college students in scientific and literary competitions between the university’s colleges (University Knights and University Star).


The Social Committee is dedicated to educating students about integration with and engagement in the wider community, emphasizing the values of giving and appreciating the public interest. Our committee also endeavors to strengthen the bonds between students, college administrators, and faculty members through the organization of regular meetings within the college. Furthermore, the Social Committee strives to foster relationships among all committees, working collaboratively to create a wholesome social environment that aligns with Islamic values and principles. Our goal is to promote a sense of harmony, love, and purposeful recreation among students, achieved through various activities such as lectures, meetings, competitions, social trips, and visits.


That the Social Committee contributes to making the College of Pharmacy at the forefront of the colleges at King Abdulaziz University that graduates students capable of giving and giving for the benefit of the nation


Contributing to the development of human resources represented by students and graduates of the College of Pharmacy by organizing a number of lectures, meetings, trips and social visits to become an effective part of society to advance it and put the interest of the nation first.


  • • Working to strengthen the relationship between students and faculty members by preparing general social programs.
  • • Directing the student to open up to the external community and integrate into it to become an effective part of it.
  • • Working to educate students to provide a healthy social life for young people in light of Islamic values and principles, and to create a spirit of harmony, love, and purposeful recreation.


  • • Organizing an introduction meeting to welcome new students and introduce them to the college.
  • • Organizing a prisoner meeting with His Excellency the Dean of the College, His Excellency the Vice Deans and the faculty members to open the door to discussion regarding the educational process.
  • • Organizing community service campaigns, such as blood donation campaigns and visits to orphanages.
  • • Preparing purposeful educational programs through which students can be included.
  • • Organizing visits to some educational institutions and public facilities that serve students in their specializations.
  • • Organizing recreational trips for students.
  • • Organizing a closing ceremony for student activities.
  • • Participate in organizing special events for the College of Pharmacy, such as the alumni meeting and career day


The Sports Committee holds a prominent position among the college committees, with a primary mission to promote the sports spirit, foster teamwork among students, and cultivate a conducive environment for healthy competition. Additionally, the committee is dedicated to enhancing the sports capabilities of students, encouraging the development of their athletic talents, and creating opportunities for growth in this field.
Within the college, the Sports Committee focuses on organizing a variety of sports-related activities. These include forming sports teams, organizing matches, competitions, events, and sports festivals.
Moreover, the Sports Committee actively involves college employees, faculty members, and students in its sports activities, playing a vital role in strengthening social bonds within the college community. We believe that sports activities are among the most popular pursuits for everyone, and thus, we aim to provide opportunities for participation in a manner that adheres to the principle of "sports for all


The most important sporting activities carried out by the Sports Committee are:

  • 1. Organizing sports activities at the college, including forming sports teams and holding matches, competitions, and sports festivals annually.
  • 2.Participation in the university’s sports league in team and individual games.

Last Update
1/30/2024 8:59:59 AM